
I Shop at Waitrose Because...

Jim Riley

20th September 2012

I suspect it was like a scene from 2012. The social media marketing team at Waitrose gathered for a creative meeting or huddle to come up with a Twitter campaign which would create a some more buzz around their upmarket grocery retailing brand. A simple idea. Let's ask why people shop at Waitrose...and ask them to encapsulate that in a tweet added with the #waitrosereasons hash tag.But social media promotion doesn't always deliver the intended results. The unintended consequence of the I Shop at Waitrose campaign has been a largely irreverent series of replies which poke fun at Waitrose's image. Some of the most popular and heavily re-tweeted are shown below:

Finish the sentence: "I shop at Waitrose because ________."

I shop at because the houseboys find it convenient to carry my sedan chair around the aisles.

I shop at Waitrose because I used Apple Maps to get to my nearest Sainsburys.

I shop at Waitrose because I hate poor people

I shop at Waitrose as it's the only place where my kids' tantrums are classed as splendidly Montessori, darling

I shop at Waitrose because I once heard a dad say 'Put the papaya down, Orlando.'

I shop at Waitrose because I once heard a 6yr old boy in the shop say "Daddy does Lego have a 't' at the end, like Merlot?"

I shop at Waitrose because Clarrisa's pony just WILL NOT eat ASDA Value straw

I shop at Waitrose because Tesco doesn't stock Unicorn food

I shop at Waitrose because I like watching Daily Mail readers support neo-socialist institutions

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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