
Holiday Dilemma

Jim Riley

26th July 2009

There was a fantastic edition of The Moral Maze last night on Radio 4. If you get the time it is well worth a listen. Having just returned from a break in rainy Devon I felt rather smug!

The Moral Maze considers ‘the holiday’.

It’s that time of year when we can’t wait to get away from work for a couple of weeks. Our one opportunity a year to jet off to far-flung and exotic destinations spewing carbon all over the place, where the human rights record is often appalling, to be waited on hand and foot by some poor waiter who is only paid a couple of dollars a day and to stay in a hotel where their idea of an environmental policy is to take our rubbish to a landfill for local people to pick over it, rather than dumping it at sea.

Is it time we re-calculated the true cost of that self indulgent holiday? Should we stay at home to help the UK economy? And should we think of improving the mind rather than our tan?

You can download the program from BBC i-player here.

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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