
Great reasons to use blogs in business studies & economics

Jim Riley

18th March 2008

At the ICT in Business & Economics conference, delegates shared their thoughts on reasons to encourage students and teachers to get involved in blogging. Here is a brief summary of those suggestions.

In no particular order of importance…

(1) Keeping in touch with students during holidays / revision time
(2) A platform for collaborative discussion of case studies
(3) Providing access (links) to screened and recommended online resources
(4) To encourage response and fedback to a resource stimulus
(5) Coursework progress blog, sharing data, approaches and problems
(6) A mechanism for recording work experience
(7) Facilitating communication between school and home (including parents)
(8) A way of recording evidence for unit assignments
(9) Encouraging students to read more widely and to write about that reading
(10) A natural extension of classroom discussions

If you have any further suggestions that we could add to this list, please submit them using the comments function below

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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