
Google V Audi – Differentiation for Driverless Cars

Michael Albanese

14th December 2014

The race to produce the best driverless car is on! Most of the automotive “big boys” are working on their versions, but it’s interesting to see the varied approaches taken by Google and Audi. Attached is a PowerPoint task that ask students to watch the 2 car “adverts” and analyse the risks and rewards of the different strategies.Google are playing it safe, perhaps heeding the Harris Poll of 2,039 adults, in which 88 percent said they would be worried about riding in an autonomous, driverless car. Their car is round, cute, friendly and slow.Audi have chosen another path… a much faster path! Their “piloted” car achieved speeds of 149mph and completed a lap of the Hockenheim F1 track a few seconds faster than the manned car.Intriguing stuff that is certain to create great debate.Have a fantastic Christmas!

Michael Albanese

Assistant Curriculum Lead for Business and Law at Solihull Sixth Form College

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