
Business ethics - good news for IBM, Intel and M&S but not so good for Ryanair

Ryanair seem to have no difficulty in maintaining a high media presence, but the publication of an new ethical reputation survey doesn’t contain good news for Michael O’Leary and his team

Covalence are a Swiss-based organisation that track the ethical reputation of multinational companies, and produce a regularly updated ranking of such organisations.

The criteria that they use in determining ranking are largely based on the contribution of multinational enterprises to human development globally, with particular attention paid to the needs and realities of developing countries.

In the most recently produced list, IBM, Intel and Marks and Spencer have reason to be proud, featuring in the top three slots.

Ryanair, however, unfortunately find themselves well toward the bottom of the pile, listed 575 out of the 581 companies assessed.

The survey results offer plenty of scope for research into ethical business practices, and why a good image in this area may be beneficial to an organisation.

Covalence Ethical Ranking 2009

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