
GCSE (AQA) Business Studies: Developing Exam Skills: The 9 mark question

Graham Prior

24th April 2012

Examiners reports…just full of exam gold. Nuggets of information to allow us to better prepare our students.

This blog relates to the 9 mark question(s). The question that GCSE students tend to find the most demanding.

The 9 mark question is an evaluative question of which 5 marks out of the 9 are for evaluation.

The examiners reports make very interesting reading on how students are performing on these questions, as well as suggesting strategies to allow GCSE students to tackle these more effectively. I have summarised the key findings from the examiners reports in relation to the 9 mark question:

• Where there is a weakness in the 9 mark question, it tends to be where students are giving long and detailed answers, yet failing to reach any or sufficient conclusion and with 5 marks available for this, it is not a good strategy

• Where options are provided in the 9 mark question, the most common mistake is that students discuss the options but then fail to recommend an option

• Where options are provided, many students follow the traditional format of option 1 advantages and disadvantages; option 2 advantages and disadvantages. (This takes time and may explain the reason why students fail to reach a conclusion in my opinion)

• Successful students often started with their judgement first and then proceeded to justify it through comparison or pros and cons. By starting with the judgement, they are more likely to gain the marks for evaluation.

Perhaps the most interesting part of the examiner’s report relating to the 9 mark question is this. There is no real need for students to begin the 9 mark question with detailed definitions as invariably the 2 knowledge marks will be gained in the discursive part of the question.

So there we have it, a brief summary of the advice given in relation to the 9 mark question.

I found it extremely useful… may too….............


Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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