
Fortune magazine publishes its list of ‘101 Dumbest Moments in Business 2007

Tom White

21st December 2007

I’m not sure that I agree with the rankings, but it’s all fairly amusing! Do YOU agree with the rankings? Is there anything you would add that’s been missed out?

Fortune put the recall of millions of Chinese-made toys because of paint fears at the top of the list. In second spot was Eli Lilly’s move to put Prozac into chewable, beef-flavoured pills “to treat separation anxiety in dogs”. And in third place was Leona “only little people pay taxes” Helmsley’s decision to leave $12m to her dog in her will.

Check out the list at Fortune Magazine - Dumbest Moments in Business

Read the Fortune Magazine article

The BBC covered this story - Sony’s unholy row in ‘dumb’ list – by referring to the loopy decision by Sony to set scenes for a Playstation game, “Resistance: Fall of Man” in Manchester cathedral.

Read the BBC story about Sony

Tom White

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