
Family Fortunes

Graham Prior

22nd December 2009

This is such a simple starter but is quite powerful in terms of getting your pupils to think. Excellent for differentiation this one.

Based on the popular quiz show, I simply ask my students at the start of the lesson a question with a range of possible ‘top’ answers.

I might say something like:

I asked 100 Business Studies teachers to tell me 5 key terms from a Balance Sheet.

This is excellent for differentiation as the more able students (hopefully) will try to think of the top answer. The less able will be able to access this by simply hitting some of the ‘top five’.

The top answer then can be used for further discussion and debate (my top answer by the way was working capital)

I have used this loads of times, for example:

3 benefits of being a sole trader 3 downsides of being a partnership

This activity can be made more or less challenging by increasing the amount of responses the students need to give.

What I love about this activity is that rather than simply saying at the start of a lesson, give me 3 benefits of being a sole trader, it challenges the students to think of what they believe to be the key benefit


Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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