
Fairtrade Fortnight

Jim Riley

23rd February 2009

Whilst listening to the radio yesterday my attention was drawn to a piece highlighting a two week event that begins today that promises to be full of development economics.

Fairtrade fortnight begins today and has been organised by the Fairtrade Foundation.

Two billion people – a third of humanity – still survive on less than $2 a day. Unfair trade rules keep them in poverty, but they face the global challenges of food shortages and climate change too. Fairtrade is a people’s movement for change that aims to tip the balance of trade in favour of poor producers. We all need Fairtrade more than ever and we all have the power to create positive change for people and planet.

Make it happen. Choose Fairtrade.

Take part in Fairtrade Fortnight 2009 and play your part by joining a powerful global movement for change!

The website is full of great resources that can be used to teach the fairtrade element of the IB syllabus (section 5.4). I have downloaded a couple that I am intending to use:

Powerpoint presentation (which covers many of the issues needed by IB students)

Faitrade Quiz


I am thinking of having a fairtrade event in the department. Perhaps a fairtrade break with fairtrade coffee and biscuits for the students!

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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