
Ethiopia Coca-Cola Drought

Jim Riley

25th March 2009

Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa has run out of Coca-Cola as the credit crunch hits.

It is not uncommon for African economies to run out of petrol, soap, sugar, batteries or tyres but a Coca-Cola shortage is unheard of.

The East Afica Bottling Share - the company which produces the soft drink for the region - last week temporarily shut its bottling plan in Ethiopia. The reason being that although they have the Coca-Cola they do not have the bottle tops! The firm has sent 1,000 workers home on compulsory leave. There is also a shortage of Pepsi, Sprite and Fanta.

It has been estimated that around 35,000 outlets in the country are unable to serve the drink and its sister brands until the shortage is resolved.

It has been reported that street children are collecting the much-needed bottle tops and selling them back to the company for 13 p per kilo.

As yet the continent has not been as hard hit as others but there are now problems finding enough foreign exchange to keep the Ethiopian economy running.

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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