In the News

Employee Training and Customer Safety | Anyone for Daffodil Stew?

Jim Riley

3rd March 2023

The mantra " retail is detail" is beautifully illustrated here by an error by M&S Food staff in how they display products.

The BBC report here on how M&S staff were likely unaware of the potential problems that might arise if customers were tempted to add use daffodils rather than the traditional spring onions with their Teriyaki tofu.

Daffodils, which certainly bear a resemblance to spring onions, can be poisonous if eaten. Severe vomiting is the likely impact.

Unfortunately they were displayed in the fruit and veg aisle under a "seasonal favourites" banner.

Time for the store manager to do some on-the-job training, I suggest.

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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