
Emma Jones to speak at the Business Teacher National Conference 2010

Jim Riley

30th September 2009

Great news for colleagues planning to attend the Business Teacher National Conference 2010 on Friday 18 June 2010. Emma Jones, the inspirational entrepreneur behind Enterprise Nation, has kindly agreed present a session at the conference…

Emma is a passionate advocate of the importance of the home-based business sector in the UK. Emma Jones is Founder and Editor of Enterprise Nation, the home business website. She has successfully started two businesses from home offices in London, Manchester and rural Shropshire. Following a career with an international accountancy firm, Emma started her first home based business at the age of 27 and successfully sold it just 15 months after launch.

Emma’s session should provide some terrific material on, and insights into the issues and challenges of home-based business startups (recent evidence suggests that almost two-thirds of startups begin life at home!).

Places at the Business Teacher National Conference 2010 can now be booked using this online form or by downloading this pdf booking form

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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