
Economic Freedom Index

Paul Hoang

20th January 2011

Which country has topped this year’s Economic Freedom Index, claiming the crown to the world’s freest economy? And which country came in bottom place? Read on to find out…

Hong Kong
remains the freest economy in the world, for the 17th straight year in the Heritage Foundation’s Economic Freedom Index released this month. Singapore remains in second place.

Interestingly, China came in at 135. With GDP growth expected at 10% during 2011, China has undoubtedly benefited from the economic freedom of neighbouring countries due to its export-driven economy.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, North Korea which ranked number 179 was bottom in the list. See the full list here.

Read the full article from The Standard, Hong Kong’s free daily English language newspaper.

Check out the report on the top 10 freest economies 2011 from the Heritage Foundation website.

Paul Hoang

Paul Hoang is Vice Principal at Sha Tin College, English Schools Foundation, in Hong Kong. He is passionate about teaching that is engaging for learners. Paul is a blogger and presenter for tutor2u.

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