
Developing Exam Skills - Evaluation - Right First Time

Graham Prior

26th June 2013

The removal of modular exams and the move to linear provides teachers with a number of challenges in September. Often, modular exams provided a focus for motivation with students, knowing that they have an exam in January can provide a short-term goal to aim for. The removal of the January exam can mean that some students lose focus early on in the course as they perceive the exams to be 'ages away'. This, combined with reduced resit opportunities means that it is crucial for teachers to use teaching and learning strategies that not only inspire and engage, but also develop exam technique.This is a very powerful strategy that I blogged about a few weeks back on the give it a go blog but it is certainly worth its place on the business blog. Its called, The Four Corners.Four corners is an activity that encourages higher order thinking and evaluation. It is brilliant for collaborative learning and gives students an opportunity to review and reflect on other students thoughts, views and opinions with a real focus on developing evaluative skills. Heres how it works:Label the four corners of the room with:DisagreeStrongly DisagreeAgree and Strongly AgreeThe teacher then reads out a statement, controversial topic etc. Each student then needs to write down on a piece of paper whether they Disagree, Strongly Disagree, Agree or Strongly Agree. They should also be encouraged to write down why.After this has taken place, ask the students to move to the relevant corner that relates to the choice that they have made. Once they have done this, ask the students to have a group discussion, explaining their key reasons for this choice as well as why they rejected the others. It is important that they try and find the most significant reason.After they have completed this then each group takes it in turn to argue their key reasoning as to why they chose that particular corner.When using this teaching and learning strategy for business studies, it is important to read out definitive statements. For exampleThe benefits of quality assurance can only be realised in the long termSole trader is the best form of business ownership for a small businessLeadership is the biggest influence on organisational successDiversification is the best strategy to achieve profitable growthProduct is the most important element of the marketing mix

Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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