
Developing AQA A Level Business Exam Skills - My Top Tips

Graham Prior

25th April 2014

We are now approaching the 'business end' of the year with modules literally 'in the post'.With this in mind, here are a few of my top tips in relation to exam technique for BUSS1, BUSS2, BUSS3 and BUSS4:(1) Keep to the time limit (minute per mark). This is especially crucial for BUSS2 which accounts for 60% of AS and 30% of the overall mark. Many students fail to complete the questions on the second case study on BUSS2 which severely restricts the grade you can achieve. The same can be said for BUSS3. Spending too long on the first 3 questions often means students fail to write a detailed conclusion for the 34 mark question which is worth an amazing 10 marks!(2) 2 developed arguments are far better than writing 4 under-developed paragraphs. Knowledge only accounts for a small % of the total marks so it is crucial that you develop logical, coherent arguments examining causes and effects that link to the question(3) Plan your answer for the longer mark questions. This is time well spent and will ensure a consistent and focused response(4) On questions requiring an evaluation make sure you make a decision. This decision needs to be based on prior analysis. DO NOT bring in new lines of argument into your evaluation. (5) When evaluating, make your decision, discuss your decision and draw on the most significant point that led you to this decision.(6) Examiners are less interested in the decision you make than the amount of support you have given your decision. Make a decision and justify why you have made that decision(7) For BUSS3 the data in the appendices offer you a route to good application. Combine the data in the appendices with information in the case study as a foundation for your arguments and you won't go far wrong(8) Make good use of the case study. It is your friend. It has all the answers in it so its foolish not to refer to it(9) Read points (1) to (9) again(10) Read point 9 again!Good luck

Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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