Cutting costs - with a lick of paint?
15th February 2011
A half-term hat tip to Ian Pryer for spotting this neat story about low-cost airline about Easyjet. Easyjet’s use of a new hi-tech paint, which is claimed to reduce flight drag and therefore reduce fuel consumption is an excellent one for both AQA BUSS2 and BUSS4 students.
For BUSS2 students, an interesting example of the lengths low cost airlines will go to to reduce costs in order to make more profit or be more price competitive. This is a topic that they will no doubt have been recently looking at.
For BUSS4 students, there is a clear CSR angle here with Easyjet’s belief that this may lead to lower carbon emissions. Or are they simply reducing costs? Perhaps it’s an example of how firms can actually do both. One for students to discuss.
Here’s an article describes the innovation and here’s the Easyjet press release which gives the news a clear corporate spin!