
Current Affairs Quiz #9

Paul Hoang

12th December 2009

Test your business and economics news from the past 7 days…

Current Affairs Quiz #9

1. Which country looks set to overtake India as the world’s largest gold consumer this year, with total demand for jewellery and investment forecast at 432 tonnes?

2. The Japanese government will guarantee 700bn yen in loans in order to keep which airline in operation?

3. According to economist Joel Waldfogel (author of Scroogenomic), how much will be wasted on unwanted Christmas presents this year (in USD): $250m, $2.5bn or $25bn?

4. According to the latest Blurb Australia survey, how many gifts will go straight into the garbage bin this Christmas in Australia because their recipients just hate them: a) 8,250 b) 82,500 or c) 825,000?

5. Which American bank announced that it was ready to repay the US$45 billion it received in government bail-out money?

6. With East African country celebrates its National Day on 12th December, having gained independence from the UK in 1963 (Hint: Nairobi is the capital city)?

7. Which of the following countries does not use ‘shillings’ as its official currency: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania or Nigeria?

8. Due for a currency replacement, businesses in which East Asian country have ceased trading until official bank notes of the new currency are released on 7th December?

9. Which US investment bank has revealed that its bankers are on course for pay and bonuses worth US$19bn (£11.4bn), despite 2009 being the worst year for the economy in 30 years?

10. South African company De Beers has seen profits fall by 99% this year due to the global recession. What does De Beers manufacture?

11. The 14,000 cabin crew staff from which European airline are set to strike this Christmas over pay disputes?


China; JAL (Japan Airlines); $25bn; 825,000; Bank of America; Kenya; Nigeria (uses the Naira); North Korea; Goldman Sachs; Diamonds; British Airways

Paul Hoang

Paul Hoang is Vice Principal at Sha Tin College, English Schools Foundation, in Hong Kong. He is passionate about teaching that is engaging for learners. Paul is a blogger and presenter for tutor2u.

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