
Current Affairs Quiz #15

Paul Hoang

4th February 2010

A big thanks to Darrell Zawada for helping to produce this week’s CAQ… Which movie took just 3 weeks to break-even, and has surpassed USD200bn at the box office? Which troubled car maker owns the brands: AYGO, iQ, Auris and Verso? And what is ‘Baidu’? Take this week’s CAQ to find out…

Current Affairs Quiz #15

1. Which movie has overtaken Titanic as the top grossing movie of all time, earning over USD200bn (Titanic grossed USD183bn)?

2. Waitangi Day on 6th February is the National Day of which Asian Pacific country?

3. Name the fast food outlet in the Netherlands that illegally sacked an employee for giving a colleague a piece of cheese on a hamburger.

4. The huge success of Windows 7 has helped to increase Microsoft’s annual profits by what amount: 50%, 60% or 70%?

5. Which car maker is recalling 1.8 million cars in Europe after announcing the recall of 2.3m faulty vehicles in the USA?

6. Baidu is China’s largest what?

7. Which Japanese company owns the brands: AYGO, iQ, Auris and Verso?

8. Which country is proposing a USD 1.9 trillion tax hike in their latest budget?

9. Comac is preparing to deliver aircraft to commercial customers from 2016, creating serious competition to duopolists Boeing and Airbus. Where is Comac from?

10. Which country will add to last year’s record 32 billion USD spending on resource acquisitions as demand for iron ore, copper and oil soar?

11. Who is the Chairman of the Federal Reserve (the US Central Bank)?


1. Avatar
2. New Zealand
3. McDonald’s
4. 60%
5. Toyota
6. Internet search engines
7. Toyota
8. USA
9. China (Comac stands for Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China)
10. China
11. Ben S. Bernanke

Paul Hoang

Paul Hoang is Vice Principal at Sha Tin College, English Schools Foundation, in Hong Kong. He is passionate about teaching that is engaging for learners. Paul is a blogger and presenter for tutor2u.

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