
Current Affairs Quiz - 14 Oct 2009

Paul Hoang

14th October 2009

Some current affairs questions from the last seven days for IB Diploma students around the world…

1. What is the annual quota placed on foreign movies by the Chinese government: 20, 50 or 100?

2. Which central bank was the highest paid before his recent retirement early this month: Joseph Yam (HK), Ben Bernanke (USA), Jean-Claude Trichet (European Central Bank), Mervyn King (UK) or Masaaki Shirakawa (Japan)?

3. The price of which commodity has hit an historical high, reaching beyond USD1,069 per ounce in NY?

4. Which world leader has been honoured with the Noble Peace Prize 2009?

5. Which Spanish speaking nation celebrates its National Day on 12th October?

6. Name the first central bank in the G20 countries to increase interest rates since the financial tsunami.

7. American employers shed another 263,000 jobs in September. The USA’s unemployment rate has now reached what level: 7.8%, 8.8%, 9.8% or 10.8%?

8. Elinor Ostrom has become the first woman to win which category of the Nobel prize?

9. Troy ounce is a traditional unit of weight measurement for which precious metal?

10. European bank DSB has been taken over by the country’s central bank. From which country does DSB originate?

11. Russia is hoping to sign deals worth US$5.5bn (£3.5bn or HKD42.6bn) with which country during Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s visit (to that country)?

Question 1: Michael Jackson’s “This is it” was the final movie to enter China this year.


Just 20; Joseph Yam – who was paid more than all the others put together!; Gold; Barack Obama; Spain (and Equatorial Guinea in Central Africa); Reserve Bank of Australia; 9.8%; Economics (Ostrom shared the award with fellow US economist Oliver Williamson); Gold; Holland / Netherlands; China

Paul Hoang

Paul Hoang is Vice Principal at Sha Tin College, English Schools Foundation, in Hong Kong. He is passionate about teaching that is engaging for learners. Paul is a blogger and presenter for tutor2u.

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