
Current Affairs Quiz

Paul Hoang

15th January 2011

Which Chinese internet company has more customers than Facebook? And what is the most popular overseas destination for French Bordeaux wine? Having already launched the LePhone, Lenovo is about to launch a new gadget to take on the iPad – but what is it called? Take this week’s CAQ to find out…

1. US unemployment has fallen - the biggest one-month drop since April 1998 - to what rate: 10.4%, 9.4%, 8.4% or 7.4%?

2. Which French carmaker has suspended three senior managers following a lengthy investigation into the possible leaking of trade secrets?

3. Which European carmaker has announced plans to start producing cars in Malaysia from 2012?

4. Which company owns Bugatti, Lamborghini, Suzuki, Porsche and Bentley?

5. Which city has overtaken Singapore as the world’s busiest container port?

6. Which country has become the top export market for French Bordeaux wine?

7. What is the name of Lenovo’s soon-to-be launched tablet computer?

8. Name the Chinese e-commerce business that declared 48,000 sales per minute throughout 2010.

9. Name China’s top internet company by market capitalization, (USD42bn) and 600 million users.

10. China and which other nation have sealed a major green energy deal, as Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang begins a four-day state visit to the European country?

Lenovo’s new Android Tablet, to rival the iPad


1. 9.4%
2. Renault
3. Volkswagen
4. Volkswagen
5. Shanghai (HK is third)
6. China
7. LePad
8. Taobao (owned by
9. Tencent
10. Scotland

Paul Hoang

Paul Hoang is Vice Principal at Sha Tin College, English Schools Foundation, in Hong Kong. He is passionate about teaching that is engaging for learners. Paul is a blogger and presenter for tutor2u.

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