
CSR - Is it time for McDonalds to ditch Big Ron?

Jim Riley

22nd May 2011

What a timely debate on social responsibility of marketing fast food to children! AQA BUSS4 students who’ve picked McDonalds will be happy campers with this one, as the debate provides plenty of evaluation-style ammunition for some effective compare and contrast points.

It all started with this open letter (supported by a suitable open website) from 500 US doctors.

The letter, addressed to McDonalds CEO Jim Skinner, simply requests that McDonalds stop marketing what the doctors describe as “junk food” to children.

A quote from the letter points out the societal costs of over-consumption of fast food amongst US kids (and elsewhere around the world too?);

“Today, our private practices, pediatric clinics, and emergency rooms are filled with children suffering from conditions related to the food they eat. In the decades to come, one in three children will develop type 2 diabetes as a result of diets high in McDonald’s-style junk food, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This generation may be the first in U.S. history to live shorter lives than their parents. The rise of health conditions like diabetes and heart disease mirrors the growth of your business – growth driven in large part by children’s marketing.”

Strong stuff! The finger of blame is pointed firmly at Big Ron - Ronald McDonald - and also at toy giveaways.

Every balanced essay should examine both sides of an argument and, not surprisingly, McDonalds has been quick to respond.

At a McDonalds shareholders meeting, the directors rejected a proposal for the firm to provide greater social reporting of the effect of fast food marketing, saying that McDonalds…

“offered a variety of food to its customers, provided nutrition information about the food”, and communicated with children “in a responsible manner through age appropriate marketing and promotional activities”.

So what do your students think?

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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