
CSR - Growing public support for responsible capitalism

Jim Riley

28th December 2011

This is a useful new survey, particularly for students who need to include some topical research evidence for exam questions on CSR.

According to a survey from YouGov, there is growing public support in the UK for “responsible capitalism” in the wake of continued financial crisis, criticism of bankers’ excessive bonuses – and public sympathy with the anti-globalisation protests such as the Occupy movement.

YouGov found that:

“80 per cent [of those surveyed] believe the private sector should forgo some profits to meet a wider responsibility to their employees, customers and communities and invest more for the long-term. Only 12 per cent think that maximising profits for shareholders is a company’s top priority.”

It would be interesting if YouGov were to conduct a similar survey of shareholders to see if they also support the concept of responsible capitalism with the same strength of feeling (although many of the adults surveyed in this poll will be company shareholders indirectly through investment in pension schemes, ISAs etc).

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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