
CSR - Comic Relief, Crisps and Cause-Related Marketing

Jim Riley

22nd February 2011

There is a telling phrase in the current series of commercials for Walkers Crisps which are being run as part of Walkers’ (Pepsico) support of Comic Relief Day 2011. In the video clip below, Gary Lineker explains that “whoever sells most, wins”...

In fact, what Lineker really means is that, whoever sells most, Walkers Crisps wins. That is not to decry the worthy efforts and support of the brand for a great cause. But the appealing truth about the Walkers Crisps campaign is that, like other successful examples of cause-related marketing, there are two winners. Cause-related marketing should be a win-win. Great for the cause (usually a charity or other not-for-profit organisation). And a win too for the brand concerned.

Cause-related marketing is a good example of one part of CSR (corporate social responsibility) in action. It is widely acknowledged that a successful campaign can have significant marketing benefits for the brand concerned. In a survey conducted by BITC in 2004, the research found that, for example,

• 88 per cent of all consumers were aware of a cause-related marketing programme.
• 80 per cent felt more loyal and more positive about companies that chose to work with charities in this way.
• Almost half (48 per cent) said they actually switched brands as a result of a cause-related marketing programme.
• 2 out of 3 consumers said want more businesses to run cause-related marketing programmes.

There are lots of examples of this form of CSR - here is a good resource from the Breast Cancer Campaign which describes how it has worked with a variety of firms and brands. As the campaign reports:

Breast Cancer Campaign works with a diverse range of brands and companies helping them to reach new target markets, increase awareness, grow market share and launch new products while raising money for the charity.

Comic Relief 2011 might be a good introduction to some of the issues surrounding corporate social responsibility for students researching the AQA BUSS4 paper in June 2011. The corporate part of the Comic Relief site can be found here. As the site says:

“The benefits [for Comic Relief’s corporate partners] don’t just end with boosted sales and increased exposure from the fantastic marketing opportunities we offer your brand. Oh no. Being a partner will also make your employees proud that you want to make a difference, and they’ll have a great time fundraising for us too!”

...and here is that Walkers Crisps Comic Relief campaign launch…

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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