
CSR at the Movies - The End of the Line

Jim Riley

20th February 2011

A haunting soundtrack and some gripping and often gruesome imagery make this another strong contender for a powerful lesson stimulus on CSR. The End of The Line is the film version of a book by journalist Charles Clover about overfishing. Clover, an environment editor of the Daily Telegraph (London), describes how modern fishing is destroying ocean ecosystems. He concludes that current worldwide fish consumption is unsustainable.

Sustainability is the key issue examined in this film. As the Wikipedia entry for the film explains:

“The End of the Line” examines the threatening extinction of the bluefin tuna, caused by increasing demand for sushi; the impact on populations, marine life and climate resulting from an imbalance in marine populations; and the starvation and hunger in coastal populations, caused by the possible extinction of fish in some waters, the possible loss of livelihoods as experienced in Newfoundland following the collapse of the cod population, along with the potential remedies.

Here is the movie trailer:

This ABC Nightline feature looks in more detail at the issues raised by the film

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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