
Comfort eating to beat the credit crunch

Jim Riley

31st July 2008

Cadbury’s are benefitting from stonger sales of chocolate treats as consumers turn to their favourite comfort food to help handle the credit crunch…

News of good trading results from Cadbury’s, which their CEO partially attributes to customers turning to chocolate and other confectionery products to help them get over their economic woes.

The CEO, Todd Stitzer, is quoted in the Times as follows:

“We sell affordable treats, not automobiles. People like to treat themselves and when they feel they can’t indulge in more expensive treats, they can do with confectionery.”

Stitzer said that consumers increasingly would reach for the company’s chocolate, sweets and chewing gum as they faced up to what he called a “scary” wider economic environment.

I must admit that the anecdotal evidence from the Riley household bears out Stitzer’s opinion. We seem to be going through a significantly larger quantity of KitKat bars recently. That increase in demand may also be linked to the start of the school holidays and the (very) late nights being enjoyed by the kids.

Personally, in the last couple of weeks I have turned to my favourite comfort food - Wheat Crunchies, which I’m expecting to be renamed Wheat Credit Crunchies as a promotional gimmick…

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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