
Case Study 2010: N-Pharma – Quiz #3

Paul Hoang

11th March 2010

Here’s the third quiz for students to test their comprehension of the N-Pharma case study. Give yourself 5 mins, i.e. 30 seconds per question…

N-Pharma – Quiz #3

1. Why did N-Pharma create the post of ‘Director of Corporate Social Responsibility’?

2. Who is Suzuko Tanaka?

3. Which of N-Pharma’s subsidiaries recently faced a liquidity problem?

4. Who are Anigam?

5. For strategic option 2, where is N-Pharma considering setting up a major centre?

6. What is the name of N-Pharma’s painkiller, with around 33% market share in Japan and the USA?

7. Does N-Pharma currently sell some of its drugs in China?

8. What is N-Pharma’s key strength in launching new drugs?

9. Do the employees in Canada or Australia have a problem with long chains of command?

10. Is Anigam well established in Asia?


1. Negative publicity in 2008 re: testing drugs on animals
2. Japanese financial auditor
3. USA
4. Specialist in animal drugs; diversification option for N-Pharma to merge with Anigam
5. Beijing/China
6. Pharmax
7. Yes
8. Well-established brand name
9. Canada
10. No – only in USA and Europe

Other activities to help prepare for the Paper 1 N-Pharma case study:

N-PharmaTop 10 activities to prepare for the case study

Preparing for the pre-seen case study: N-Pharma

Case Study 2010:

N-Pharma – Quiz #2

Case Study 2010: N-PharmaQuiz #1

Paul Hoang

Paul Hoang is Vice Principal at Sha Tin College, English Schools Foundation, in Hong Kong. He is passionate about teaching that is engaging for learners. Paul is a blogger and presenter for tutor2u.

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