
BUSS4 Research - “Beyond e.g.”

Jim Riley

18th February 2011

Back in October 2010 I gave a presentation to several colleagues teaching AQA BUSS4 which reported back on a survey of AQA GCE centres we conducted at the start of the academic year. The survey asked colleagues about their experiences of preparing students for the June 2010 BUSS4 exam (on the UK recession). I have streamed a copy of the presentation below and also provided a pdf handout of the slides - I hope these might be of some use to other colleagues.

The focus of the presentation and resulting discussion was how we encourage our students to go “beyond e.g.”. In other words, how do we structure and guide their BUSS4 research to provide data and insights that enable them to write well-informed essays that go to a suitable depth.

This is easier said than done. But we highlighted some ways in which smart choice of research firms and industries can make the process more effective and efficient. We’re big fans of the “kill two birds with one stone” approach to BUSS4 research where the Section A and Section B requirements can be covered at the same time. I’ll shortly be writing with some suggestions for research firms/industries which you might consider for your preparation ahead of June 2011/Jan 2012.

Here is the streamed presentation: Beyond E.G. Strategies of BUSS4 Research

Download slide handout

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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