
BUSS4 Exam Prep. Making Connections to Achieve 5 Levels of Analysis

Michael Albanese

4th June 2014

In preparation for June 18th, my class and I did the follow PowerPoint activity which focuses on planning and analysis.The premise is simple; the BUSS4 questions invariably ask students to analyse the causal relationship between 2 concepts, such as “does strong leadership lead to a successful business?” or “Is targeting emerging markets the best way to improve profit?”. Students therefore have to fill in the blanks and make the connections between these two concepts to achieve good analysis. More importantly, in doing so it forces students to answer the questions set without digression, deviation or departure from the subject.The first example is given to get the ball rolling. There are 8 questions and some blank templates below to add additional questions. In terms of differentiation (if you like that sort of thing), they can obviously be made easier or more difficult by taking away or adding some “blanks”, and a natural extension strategy would be for students to then add a paragraph of application to support the answer.I sincerely hope it helps and wish you all the very best for the upcoming exams.

Michael Albanese

Assistant Curriculum Lead for Business and Law at Solihull Sixth Form College

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