
BUSS3 - Lessons from June 2012

Graham Prior

20th December 2012

I'm a massive fan of examiners reports as they provide a wealth of information that is designed to help students improve. The examiners report for BUSS3, June 2012 is no exception. So, what can we learn from this report? Well, it seems (as usual), that the stronger students are those that reveal good subject knowledge, are able to make well-developed arguments that are consistently focused upon the question and are supported by evidence from the case study AND the appendices. In summary, the key themes from the report are as follows: Student need to spend time developing their understanding of what ratios actually measure AND analysing the significance of their importance. Better students are able to link information from the appendices to support their arguments therefore achieving good application In relation to the last question, many students are still providing lengthy, unstructured answers that lose focus. Many relevant points are identified but these are merely lifted from the case study and are not analysed in sufficient detail. Also, and this really highlights the importance of planning, many students are introducing new points in their final conclusion as well as suggesting unsupported alternative strategies and not, assess whether the proposed one should be adopted.In summary, fewer, more developed arguments which are supported from the case study and the appendices. In addition, planning is crucial in ensuring success in the final question.

Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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