
Businesses counting the cost of the snow

Penny Brooks

3rd February 2009

Firstly, a warning - anyone who still believes that too much fuss has been made aobut the snow this week should probably not read the rest of this item!

Which businesses have suffered losses as a result of the snow on Monday? Walking up to my local high street on the last two days has shown some big contrasts – on Monday most shops were shut except the local supermarket which had completely sold out of milk, bread, fruit and vegetables - and no newspapers had been delivered. The pubs, though, were doing a roaring trade (so I am told!) and the bakers had a sign in the window saying their next batch of hot, fresh bread would be ready at 1.15. Today was a bit different – most shops were open although it was clear that some, like the butchers, had not received any deliveries. There was still very little traffic around, and a notable lack of electricians or builders vans out and about.

This BBC report has figures from a number of bodies like the Federation of Small Business and Centre for Economic and Business Research, estimating the cost in lost work to UK business. Those suffering difficulties with cash flow at the moment will be hardest hit; many of the businesses that are close to failing are in the retail and construction sectors that are likely to be most affected by the snow and transport disruption. Those service providers who are paid by the day for their work, such as gardeners, cleaners, plumbers and decorators who could not travel will have missed out on a couple of days income. And what happens to the milk that was pasteurised and bottled and the newspapers that were produced and printed, but couldn’t be delivered to the paying customers? There are losses being incurred right up the delivery chain for a good many producers here.

Penny Brooks

Formerly Head of Business and Economics and now Economics teacher, Business and Economics blogger and presenter for Tutor2u, and private tutor

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