
Business Studies at the Movies - Cut Out the Middleman!

Steve Whiteley

14th July 2012

A good starter idea for enterprise - starting a business - cutting out the middle man.

​Show the following introduction from Laurel & Hardy in ” data-bitly-type=“bitly_hover_card”>‘Towed in a hole’.

The pair are finally making a good living as travelling fish salesmen. Stan has an idea:

If they caught the fish themselves, they wouldn’t have to pay for it and therefore all their revenue would be clear profit!

It sounds like a great idea but is it really as simple as all that?

What would they actually have to do if they were to cut out the middle man and how feasible is it?

You can go on and watch the whole film or clips here on YouTube.

Before watching further, brainstorm possible issues that might arise and reasons why their revenue is NOT clear profit. Obvious ideas include capital investment, lack of skills (!), regulations, opportunity cost of time spent catching fish and so on.

It’s a good excuse to watch a classic anyway…

Steve Whiteley

Steve has been Head of Department at Reed's since 2007. He is also an experienced examiner of Economics and Business at GCSE and A Level.

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