
Business Bullseye

Graham Prior

22nd April 2010

This is a great activity for revision that is easy to setup and the students really, really love it.

A few weeks ago I bought a small velcro dartboard. I found a suitable place to hang it in the class room and marked a small oche on the floor.

Today, I used it to play Business Bullseye with my Year 11’s.

I split the class into 4 groups. Each group sent one person to throw 3 darts at the board. They were then asked a question. If they got it right, they got the points. The next time round, a different student threw the 3 darts.

The kids loved it. They were engaged, they were up and moving about and it created loads of competition in the classroom. I bought my dartboard of ebay but I have seen them in a number of shops.

From September, I intend to set a darts league up, using the same groups throughout the year and playing Business Bullseye at the end of each topic.


Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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