
Buddy the Cake Boss - Job Production at its best!

Jim Riley

11th February 2014

My two kids and I love watching 'Cake Boss' on TV toogther - usually straight after we come home from school with a cuppa and a piece of cake! The programme follows Buddy Valastro - a cake shop owner and his family as they grow thier business in New Jersey, New York. They make the most amazing cakes to order and each one of them is uniuqe. I was watching this one particular episode where Buddy and his team were asked to make a cake based up on the Dr Seuss stories to encurage young children to read and made the most amazing cake - the perfect example of Job Production!

Cake Boss - Dr Seuss Cake - Link to the Video

The video is great to illustrate Job Production - gone are the boring examples of a bridge, hand made suits etc - this will really get the pupils thinking. I am even thinking of getting my class as an end of term treat, making cakes to order for my department in the Food Tech rooms! You can generate so many discussion points related to job production from the programme (this is mainly for GCSE Specs):-

1. Unique product/service - prestige/status of owning product/service

2. Highly Skilled Workforce - High Wages/Salaries

3. Labour Intensive

3. High Production Costs -High Cost of Product/Service

4. Job satisfaction - Increased motivation and morale

Hope you find it useful - but be warned - if you have kids of your own and they see this- they WILL want an amazing cake for their next birthday - dont think I'll get away with a £10 photo cake anymore....

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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