
BSkyB: Britain’s Most Admired Company. Really?

Towards the end of 2009, Management Today magazine announced the winner of their annual “Most Admired Company” Award. The lucky recipient was BSkyB (!)

It’s worth noting that the awards aren’t chosen by judges, but by a peer review survey,but here are the scores on the doors:

1. BSkyB
2. Tesco
3. Johnson Matthey
4. Cadbury
5. GlaxoSmithKline
6. Rolls-Royce
7. BP
8. BG Group
9. Diageo
10. Cobham

Management Today: Most Admired Company Award 2009

As with all such awards, it’s a very subjective decision. Readers may be familiar with the recent posting on the results of an analysis by Covalence (a Swiss-based organisation that track the ethical reputation of multinational companies) which sheds a rather different light on many of the companies that feature in the Management Today list.

Covalence Survey Results

Here’s how the Companies on the Management Today “most admired” list fare when a different set of measures are applied! Interesting that on that basis, BSkyB would be bottom of the list, not the top! The list shows where each company ranks in the list of 581 multi-national companies assessed by Covalence.

BSkyB 323
Tesco 97
Johnson Matthey 299
Cadbury 26
GlaxoSmithKline 29
Rolls-Royce Not Listed
BP 130
BG Group 308
Diageo 39
Cobham Not Listed
Covalence Ethical Ranking 2009

There’s clearly plenty of scope for classroom activities looking into what makes a company worthy of admiration, and how different organisations are viewed not only by their peers but also by the general public

A more detailed version of this item also appears on HR Case Studies

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