
Brompton Bikes - A Wheelie Good Case Study for BUSS4

Graham Prior

7th May 2015

Brompton, along with Pashley are now the only two volume manufacturers of bicycles in Britain. Raleigh, which at its peak produced more than 1m frames a year, now manufacturers abroad.

Brompton is a British manufacturing success story. The business employs 230 people and is on course to make 50,000 bikes this year with a forecasted sales revenue of £30m. Brompton sells to 44 countries around the world with 80% of its folding bikes being exported.

A recent article in the Guardian (Brompton Bicycles - the unfolding saga of a two wheeled success story) is gold for BUSS4 students tackling the research theme, tracking the success of the business and what makes this manufacturing business so successful.

Well worth reading.

Read: Brompton Bicycles - the unfolding sage of a two wheeled success story(Guardian)

Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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