
Bring back baked beans!

Tom White

16th April 2009

Let’s start a campaign demanding that baked beans be brought back! Confused? Me too. But that’s exactly what Tango have been doing in their “Save Tango” campaign.

You perhaps remember how this trick worked for Cadbury who whipped up a phoney ‘bring back the Wispa bar’ campaign and gallantly responded to the public pressure they had created themselves by guess what: reintroducing Wispa bars. Now Tango, made by Britvic, have proved that the technique can be used again.

You may have noticed the latest Tango cans having “thanks” printed on them. This marks the end of the ‘Save Tango’ campaign which has run from late 2008. Sales of Tango had been falling in favour of healthier alternatives. The news from Britvic shows that their plea has worked and sales have risen by 8%.

What will be saved next?!

Tom White

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