Teaching activity

Brilliant Starter Activity - What Happens in an Internet Minute!

Graham Prior

29th August 2016

I saw this amazing infographic on twitter over the weekend that shows what happens in an internet minute. Its absolutely staggering!

As we can see from the above, what happens in an internet minute is mind boggling! For example:

  • 347,222 tweets
  • 701, 389 facebook logins
  • 150 million emails sent
  • 1,389 Uber rides
  • 2.4 million Google search queries

So, how could this be used as an engaging lesson starter? Simples.

As students enter the classroom, they could be asked to guess a range of statistics relating to the internet minute, such as how many WhasApp messages are sent, how much revenue Amazon makes, how many views there on you tube, before revealing the infographic.


Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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