
Best Global Brands 2010

Tom White

16th September 2010

The updated list has been published by Interbrand (the people who brought you the slogan “a Mars a day helps you work, rest and play”) and they describe it as the ‘definitive ranking of the world’s most valuable brands’.

There are several activities to think about before you actually start looking at the list.

Firstly, set yourself the quick challenge of trying to anticipate which brands you’ll see in the Top 10 or Top 20. Next, try to think who is on the way up and who has had a difficult year. The league table helpfully compares the ranking this year with last (and you’ll find it easy to navigate round the site to go even further back in time).

The last question is the most interesting: how do you suppose a league table like this has been calculated? How would you make a list of ‘best brands’? Helpfully, Interbrand explain how they have done it here.

There’s also a nice poster if you have access to a colour printer…

Tom White

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