
Being Entrepreneurial - The Anatomy of an Entrepreneur

Jim Riley

18th September 2013

 The Anatomy of an Entrepreneur is a group activity that can be used to introduce the concept of ‘mindsets’ and skillsets of an entrepreneur.
 The concept is so simple, but effective. Students are asked to think about and discuss what mindsets or skillsets an entrepreneur might need to succeed. These qualities need to link some way (metaphorically) with the human anatomy.
 There are so many potential responses - the key to the teaching & learning is to consider WHY and HOW these qualities might enable an entrepreneur to be successful. As their study of entrepreneurship continues, it would be worth referring back to the Anatomy of an Entrepreneur Poster to add additional qualities and examples of them in action.

Some possible suggestions might include:

Heart: Entrepreneurs need passion to succeed

Guts: Entrepreneurs need determination

Elbow: Entrepreneurs need to be flexible

Stomach: Entrepreneurs need a hunger for success

Backbone: Entrepreneurs need backbone and resilience

Brain / Memory: Entrepreneurs need to learn from failure

Feet: Entrepreneurs need to be able to quickly change direction to take account of new opportunities or hurdles placed in their way

Hard skin(!): Entrepreneurs need to be able to handle criticism

Shoulders (broad): Entrepreneurs often have to carry a heavy burden in the early days, multitasking to get their idea off the ground

Eyes: Entrepreneurs need a strong vision about what they want to achieve might even get some students suggesting "balls" as a quality of an entrepreneur - representing the need to be able to take risks. I'll leave it up to you about how to handle that one in follow-up discussion!

If you would like more information about Being Entrepreneurial, please complete the brief form below and we will contact you with more information about the qualification and our support resources.

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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