
ASDA overtakes M+S to become the biggest fashion retailer in the UK

Tom White

10th October 2009

What do you think is behind it? Asda’s George brand has grabbed a 10.1% share of the clothing market, with Primark having a 9.9% and M+S pushed into third with 9.8%.

Firstly, it’s probably worth noting that the most recent figures cover the crucial ‘back-to-school’ season, where ASDA bank strong sales figures. Some analysts think that M&S was likely to retake top spot later in the year when the focus is on High Street sales.

But are deeper forces at work? It’s no secret that the recession must be playing a part. The BBC quote ASDA’s managing director: “The recession has changed an awful lot of things and I think the changes are permanent,” he said.

Look at it from the perspective of M+S. What should their priorities be in facing this threat?

Tom White

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