
Are you using the correct version of the OCR F292 Case Study

Jim Riley

6th May 2011

It seems to happen every year and still I do not learn.

OCR issued an incorrect version of the F292 case study on its web site which unti yesterday I was using with my students

Here is their announcement

“For a brief period of time, from Wednesday 9 March until 13.00 Friday 11 March 2011, an incorrect version of the F292: Business Functions Pre-Release case study was loaded onto the OCR website. This has now been rectified and the correct version is now appearing. Please ensure that you are working to the correct version. The reference code appearing in the bottom left hand corner should read:

DC (CW) 41693/6 R

Please note that the hard copy version sent to centres in early March 2011 is correct. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause.”

The correct version of the F292 paper can be downloaded here

The big change is the cash flow appendix - I wasted a few lessons assessing the wrong data

Note to self: check OCR web site weekly after release of case studies next year and the year after

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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