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AQA GCSE Business: How to Nail Your Evaluation in the 9 Marker Questions!

Secret Examiner

10th October 2016

Hi. It's the Secret Examiner here again with my advice on how to nail that tricky evaluation part of a 9 mark question in AQA GCSE Business! You want top marks? Then read on (but keep this a secret from your friends).

Following on from my previous 3 “W”’s blog on how to structure an evaluation for a 9 mark question, here is a little more information to give insight into how to reach those top marks in the E2 bracket.

Just a reminder on the 3 W’s:

* Which option?

* Why you have chosen this option with supporting evidence IN CONTEXT? A repeat verbatim of what has already been said would not get the highest marks, try and add additional supporting evidence as to why the judgement has been made, building on the arguments that have already been included in the answer

* Why is your choice better than the alternative option? This is a great place to show real insight into the situation of the business, enabling the highest marks to be awarded; is it a better choice because it fits in with the objectives of the firm more or the situation the business is currently facing i.e. financial situation?

Candidates often spend too little time and do not understand the importance of evaluation to get the top grades at GCSE. 25% of the total marks on each paper are awarded for evaluation in the 9 mark questions. This is huge! With grade boundaries tending to be 4 marks apart and a maximum of 5 marks being available for each evaluation, the importance of writing a fantastic evaluation cannot be underestimated in every 9 mark question. What follows is an insight into what examiners are looking for in terms of evaluation marks:

To gain 5 marks for the evaluation, examiners are looking for one very well explained reason as to why a candidate has made their choice. This judgement must be IN CONTEXT. Alternatively, two or more reasons can be given to gain the top marks with at least one being well explained. Linking this to the 3 W’s, make sure that there is enough time and emphasis placed on why the choice has been made and why it is better than the alternative.

Four marks are awarded when the evaluation or judgement is supported by one reason that is well explained, again IN CONTEXT or two valid reasons are explained IN CONTEXT. The key difference here between 4 and 5 marks is the depth of explanation. Make sure sufficient time is spent explaining the reasons behind your opinion, as otherwise the top marks will not be given.

Three marks is given when one valid reason has been given in the judgement IN CONTEXT.

Many students spend too long explaining long lists of advantages and disadvantages in the 9 mark questions, rather than streamlining their arguments down to just two, followed by writing a detailed judgement at the end of their answer.

The key word to remember is depth, both in the analysis arguments and in the conclusion. Around 4 minutes should be spent writing each evaluation in the 9 mark questions – many students write one sentence, stating their opinion, or they may contradict themselves in their opinion throughout their answer. Doing this will usually gain E1 (1-2 marks) or at very best the bottom of E2 or 3 marks.

Remember in those evaluations, depth, context and answering the question set is the key to success, with just one overall opinion explained fully at the end of an answer, rather than having many opinions throughout!!!

Secret Examiner

The Secret Examiner is an experienced teacher and examiner for GCSE and A Level.

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