
AQA BUSS1 & BUSS2 Feedback from AQA

Jim Riley

8th January 2012

I thought I might share my notes from the recent AQA online CPD session which provided feedback on the Summer 2011 AS exams. I think I managed to note down most of the main points. Hopefully useful for students preparing for BUSS1 this week.

BUSS1 / BUSS2 Results Data for Summer 2011

10.3% of students got a A grade at AS
27.9% of students got A or B at AS

Boundary marks were:

BUSS1: (our of 60)
Grade A: 42
Grade B: 37
Grade C: 32
Grade D: 27
Grade E: 22

BUSS2: (our of 77*)
Grade A: 54
Grade B: 49
Grade C: 45
Grade D: 41
Grade E: 37

* One of the rogue questions (1c) was not marked

BUSS1 Feedback

Overall comments:

- Distinct trend that students are applying their understanding much better.
- Question 2a is the analysis question in BUSS1 and this was much better answered than previously
- More than any paper - lots of use of the case study; students picking up the clues in the case
- Examiners now looking to set questions that integrate numeric and literacy skills
- E.g. Question 2c - the best way to provide a focused answer was to use the data in the case study - using calculations to support the argument
- Breakeven is proving much better for students - after a period of difficulty
- Still too many careless errors - candidates get good marks for showing working out
- Depth of analysis - better, but still looking for improvement

What students did well in BUSS1

- Effective use of the case study to ensure answers were applied
- Excellent use of calculations to support arguments in Q. 2(c)
- Improved accuracy in calculations
- Clearer showing of ‘working out’ where calculations were used
- Some improvement in the depth of analysis in longer questions

What features are characteristic of a A Grade student paper in BUSS1?

- Quality, not quantity of points made - depth rather than breadth
- Don’t try to use all the data
- Students should pick only 2-3 arguments that they want to make
- Demonstrates decent understanding of business concepts - but a comment from the examiner that this aspect has worsened in recent years, as illustrated by poorer quality of definitions used in answers
- Good answer recognise that the skill of application is the key step to evaluation
- Judgements have to be consistent with the evidence presented in the points raised

Where students could do better in BUSS1

- Analysis too often superficial and the logical development of an argument not evidenced, even when logic was simple
- Definitions too vague: “‘Knowledge’ is a declining skill amongst mid-level candidates”
- Still some some generic responses - no reference to the case
- Irrelevant answers as a result of careless reading of the question + superfluous responses (e.g. analysing benefits AND drawbacks when only benefits were required)
- Candidates chose too many arguments - and didn’t develop them properly

How can higher level students do even better in BUSS1?

- Don’t be afraid to ask for (and use) additional sheets if time permits: get the additional sheets handed out early
- Go back and supplement an answer if there is time; the 3rd argument might be better than the 1st or 2nd
- Practice what students can actually write in a 90 minute exam
- Whole mocks are crucial to develop good timing technique - don’t just rely on setting timed questions individually
- BUSS1 examiner is trying to move away from disembodied calculations. Trying to encourage students to use data as well as words in their answers - particularly in the higher mark questions

BUSS2 Feedback

Overall comments:

- No comments on the exam paper fiasco / rogue questions!
- A distinct improvement in student performance in BUSS2 - much better reading & interpreting the questions
- Better use of counter-arguments
- Clear evidence that evaluation is a skill that has improved considerably in recent years
- BUSS2 is synoptic (in the sense that it covers the whole AS). In revision, teachers should focus on the two integrating, synoptic topic areas of the specification – ‘competitiveness’ and ‘increasing profit’
- Centres should encourage students to read / discuss topical business events. “Most situations in exam papers have parallels in real-life”
- Worthwhile practising integrating “numerical and literate information” in responses (examiners looking for this as evidence of high level analysis)

What students did well in BUSS2

- Questions answered directly and relevantly
- Better support for judgements expressed - moved candidates up from E1 to E2 and E3
- Good use, when appropriate of arguments and counter arguments: results in balanced & developed responses
- Good use of case study context
- Good understanding of concepts like cash flow and suppliers

What were the features of strong (A grade) BUSS2 papers?

- Context of case study used well to develop clear lines of argument
- Only 2 or 3 well-developed arguments in the longer questions
- Key business concepts: demonstrated clear understanding
- Evaluation was supported by the case study evidence used
- Accurate calculations
- Answers clearly planned to respond to the questions set

Some areas of weakness in BUSS2 candidates

- BUSS2 case studies designed to allow several possible arguments - 3-5 potential lines of thought that can be pursued.
- Look out for what is important - and focus on these
- Practice the interpretation of calculations - what does the result mean and what are the implications?
- Competitiveness - candidates don’t really understand this issue
- Delegation - being confused with decentralisation

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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