
AQA AS Business (BUSS2) - Feedback from the Examiners

Jim Riley

4th May 2011

It is good practice for students to pick up on the feedback from the BUSS2 examiners as they prepare and practice for the BUSS2 exam this summer. Here is a brief summary of the key comments arising from the Jan 2009 - June 2010 exam sittings:

June 2010

- Students are getting better at application - using data from the case study to help build a chain of argument, and to then make judgements (evaluation) based on their analysis of the case.

- Stronger students “weight” their arguments - they explain which arguments they believe are most powerful or convincing, and why.

- The most common weakness in students responses to BUSS2 was a failure to develop arguments fully so as to earn high marks for the skill of analysis

- The best analytical answers take the argument back to the question - they refer directly to the question the examiner has asked

- Examiners are looking to reward the quality of the response, rather than its quantity. So it is worth taking time out to plan answers - particularly the higher-mark questions where are carefully constructed answer does not have to go on for page after page.

- It is essential that candidates understand the distinction between cash flow and profit (this was tested both in June 2010 and January 2010 with disappointing results)

January 2010
- Too many candidates were content to offer a number of undeveloped points rather than developing one or two arguments as fully as possible and ensuring that they responded directly to the precise demands of the question

- Many candidates exhibited good examination technique by stating the relevant formula and showing their subsequent workings - a good way of ensuring high marks on the calculations questions

- Too many students wrote “one-sided” responses (i.e. just developing one-side of an argument). This made it more difficult to write high quality (and high mark) evaluative conclusions

June 2009

- The first major sitting of the paper!

- BUSS2 has a time allocation of 90 minutes to allow candidates the opportunity to think about the scenarios and questions and to plan their answer. Use some of this time to plan answers! Too many candidates use the thinking time to write even longer answers!

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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