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AQA A Level Business: Practice 25 Mark Questions for Paper 1

Jim Riley

4th June 2018

Here are some practice 25 mark questions for Section C and Section D of AQA A Level Business Paper 1.


The shareholders of a business want to see a significant increase in the share price. To what extent would an increase in the revenues of a business be an effective way to achieve this? (25 marks)

A business wants to improve its cash flow. To what extent would the introduction of lean production likely to be an effective way for the business to achieve this? (25 marks)

A business has recently started to use the Boston Matrix to help it manage its product portfolio. To what extent do you believe the business is likely to have higher profits as a result of this? (25 marks)

A business has recently trained its management to use scientific decision making methods. To what extent is this likely to result in better investment returns? (25 marks)

A business has recently started to use a Balanced Scorecard to measure its performance. To what extent do you think the business is likely to make better long-term decisions as a result of this? (25 marks)

A business needs to improve its reputation for poor product quality. To what extent might greater use of technology enable the business to achieve this? (25 marks)

A business wants to grow by selling existing products into new markets. To what extent will the use of multi-channel distribution be an effective way for the business to achieve this aim? (25 marks)

A business wants to extend the product life cycle of its most profitable products. To what extent do you think the business will need to invest significantly in order to be successful with this strategy? (25 marks)

A business has recently introduced Just-in-Time methods to its operations. To what extent do you think the business will achieve a competitive advantage as a result of this? (25 marks)

A business has no debt, high profits and positive cash flows. To what extent would it be appropriate for the business to increase the proportion of long-term funding that is debt? (25 marks)

A business wants to use the Hackman & Oldham model of job characteristics to improve the motivation of its workforce . To what extent do you think this approach is more likely to achieve its objective than improving the financial rewards offered to employees? (25 marks)

A business is considering the introduction of soft approaches to its human resource management. To what extent is this likely to result in improved financial performance for the business? (25 marks)

A business is planning to move from a centralised to a decentralised organisational structure. To what extent is this likely to improve the competitiveness of the business? (25 marks)


A business wants to make better investment decisions. To what extent might the use of network analysis enable the business to achieve this aim? (25 marks)

A business is losing market share to competitors who are more efficient. To what extent would a change to a more flexible organisation help the business regain its lost market share? (25 marks)

A business has a poor record of unethical decision-making by senior management. To what extent do you think that new leadership would be required for the reputation of the business to improve? (25 marks)

A business wants to significantly increase its sales to international markets. To what extent might an external growth strategy be an effective way to achieve this objective? (25 marks)

A business has lost its market leadership position to lower-cost competitors. To what extent do you think the business will need to change its organisational culture in order to regain market share? (25 marks)

A business is losing market share to competitors who are more innovative. To what extent might a strategy of external growth enable the business to effectively address this competitive weakness? (25 marks)

A business is facing increasing pressure from customers to be more socially responsible. To what extent do you believe the business is likely to experience lower profits if it responds to this pressure? (25 marks)

A business wants to change its organisational culture in order to change strategic direction. To what extent do you think the business will need to change its leadership in order to change culture? (25 marks)

A business is suffering from significant losses following difficulties with recent external growth. To what extent do you agree that a strategy of retrenchment would be an appropriate way to respond to these losses? (25 marks)

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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