Teaching activity

AQA A Level (Year 2) Scheme of Work

Graham Prior

25th August 2016

The new academic year is nearly upon us and for AQA centres Year 2 has lots and lots of new models and theories to keep everyone entertained!

During the summer term, Michelle and I ran several CPD events designed to fast track teachers preparation for the crucial second year of AQA A Level Business.

The CPD events were so popular that we are running them again in the Autumn term.

Further details can be found here. Alternatively, a pack of the course materials can be found here.

The bumper resource pack that teachers received included a full scheme of work for Year 2 with a suggested two teacher split. The scheme of work included links to lots and lots of resources on our website as well as signposting the many, many teaching and learning resources that we provided as part of the day.

I have included a link to the scheme of work below which teachers can use and adapt as part of their planning.I hope you find it useful.

Access the Year 2 scheme of work via this link

Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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