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AQA A Level Business Paper 1 - Eight 25-Mark Questions to Practice

Jim Riley

11th June 2017

The first sitting of Paper 1 is just around the corner. In addition to the practice 25 mark questions we provided in the AQA Grade Booster revision workshops for 2017 here are 8 more essay questions to have a think about.

Download a PeCAn + PiE + AJIM Essay Planning Template Here

Rather than write out full answers for these essays, spend 5-10 minutes thinking about how you would respond to them:

  • What is the evaluation hook?
  • What is the context you need to use?
  • What are you main arguments and how could you use models / theories & lines of analysis to develop them?
  • What evaluation could you add for your slice of PiE in each paragraph point?
  • What is your judgement and why?


In recent years we have seen the emergence of low-cost competitors undercutting market leaders in many industries. As a result, to what extent is price now the most important part of the marketing mix for market leaders trying to remain competitive?

It is increasingly argued that the boards of public companies are too concerned with short-term performance rather than acting in the long-term interests of shareholders. To what extent do you agree that a more long-term perspective in decision-making by public companies would be more likely to improve the profits and share price of such companies?

High-profile multinationals such as Toyota and Samsung have suffered significant losses in recent years after widespread problems with quality. To what extent do you agree that achieving a high level of quality should be the most important operational objective for businesses that want to compete globally?

The managers of a large supermarket group want to achieve a significant improvement in the standard of customer service. To what extent will financial methods of motivation be more likely than non-financial methods of motivation to help achieve this objective?


The rapid pace of technological change has disrupted business models in many markets and industries. As a result, to what extent do you agree that only organisations that innovate will succeed in the long-term?

To what extent do you agree that a large business that needs to undergo a significant change programme must first change the leadership of the business?

Do you agree that external growth is the best way for multinational businesses to take advantage of opportunities in fast-growing international markets?

In recent years businesses have shown increasing interest in the impact of their activities on the environment. Do you agree that operating in a sustainable way is now the most important responsibility of a business?

Paragraph Technique - Introducing the PeCAn PiE Method
Planning the 25 Mark Essay
The AJIM Conclusion

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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