
Ansoff helps with the school lunches

Penny Brooks

12th May 2009

In a great example of market development, Wittersham Primary School dinner ladies have found a new market for their product by selling school lunches to local residents, not just the school pupils.

The adult diners book in advance, pay £3 for their lunch and are shown to their tables by Year 6 pupils acting as hosts. This is new competition for the local pub where the landlady questions the economic viability of serving lunch for £3, but consider the breakeven analysis – the school has its own kitchens and two dinner ladies, and fixed costs per unit were rising as fewer children were opting for school meals. Adding a further 20 customers per day to the sales revenue means that the fixed costs can be spread further; as bookings are taken in advance they can be sure of the amount of stocks needed, the variable costs remain at about 62p per head giving a contribution of £2.38, and the potential for reaching breakeven point is greater.

The dinner ladies waste nothing, and prepare, serve and clear up lunch for more than 100 – the extra effort involved for 100 compared to 80 is minimal and their jobs are more secure. For the customers, many of whom are retired, the cost of £3 can be offset against savings in their own electricity bills and shopping, as well as the benefits of social company, warm food and a good helping of nostalgia.

They seem very appreciative as well: “This is much better than any restaurant,” one diner said. “I’ve booked my table for the rest of term.”

Penny Brooks

Formerly Head of Business and Economics and now Economics teacher, Business and Economics blogger and presenter for Tutor2u, and private tutor

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