
Adding Value - The Humble Potato

Graham Prior

17th September 2009

A really good interactive activity to get the students thinking about ways to add value.

After explaining the basic concept, I put them into groups of 4 with a couple of mini-whiteboards each. I tell them that they are going to be given a raw material and they need to discuss all the different ways that value can be added.

I then give each group a potato and 5 minutes to come up with as many suggestions as possible.

Its such a great activity that stimulates loads of interest. By going round the groups you can develop students thinking even further. They always come up with crisps, but you can then tease out how more value can be added to the crisps via the way the crisps are made, packaged etc.

A real belter this one…did it last week I did and the kids still come up with suggestions in the lessons.


Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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