
Activities that mean Business - Lord Sutch at the BTNC 2011

Jim Riley

5th July 2011

What a stunning post-lunch session by our popular blogger Lord Sutch at the Business Teacher National Conference 2011. It was a hard act to follow (coming after Will King, Kirsty Henshaw and Sir Terry Leahy), but his Lordship rose to the occasion with 70 minutes of hugely enjoyable activities for the business classroom. With over 160 business teachers packed into the Sir Henry Wellcome Auditorium (sorry for the squeeze!) we had a chance to play You Say We Pay, The Yes No Game, Business Catchphrase, Interactive Motivation, The Pie and much much more.

The presentation from the session is provided as a download link below.


Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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